50 Collocations Examples & Its Meaning in Indonesian

1. A book is like a garden carried in the pocket = buku itu laksana teman yang dapat dibawa dalam saku.
2. A leopard can’t change its spots = tidak mudah merubah karakter seseorang.
3. A little bird told me = menyembunyikan identitas seseorang.
4. A needle in a haystack = sesuatu atau seseorang yang sulit ditemukan keberadaannya.
5. A pretty penny = sejumlah uang.
6. Absent minded = pelupa.
7. Act up = (misbehave for people), not work properly (for machines).
8. All tha glitters is not gold = yang berkilau bukan berarti selalu emas.
9. All walks of life = semua golongan profesi dan latar belakang.
10. An egg head = very intelligent person.
11. Ask out = ask for a date.
12. At six and seven = bingung.
13. At the elevent hour = at the last minute/almost too late.
14. Back off = not follow a threat.
15. Bad egg = ditujukan pada orang yang sering terlibat masalah dan berkelakuan buruk.
16. Balmy on the crumpet = seseorang yang tidak normal.
17. Bark up the wrong tree = salah sangka.
18. Beat around the bush = evade can issue, avoid giving a direct answer.
19. Beat one’s brain cut = try very hard to understand or do something.
20. Be a piece of cake = be very easy.
21. Be all cars = be eager to hear what someone has to say.
22. Be blind-sided = dikalahkan oleh sesuatu yang tidak diduga sebelumnya.
23. Be fed up with = be out of patience (with someone or something); be very tired of someone or something).
24. Be on the go = be very busy (going from one thing or project to another).
25. Be on the road = be travelling.
26. Bent out of shape = needlessly worried about something.
27. Better be alone than in bad company = hati-hati memilih teman.
28. Better be free bird than a captive king = lebih baik menjadi burung yang terbang bebas daripada raja yang terbelenggu.
29. Better untaught than ill-taught = lebih baik tidak dididik sama sekali daripada dididik salah.
30. Big cheese = bos.
31. Big fish = orang penting.
32. Bird in hand = sesuatu yang telah diperoleh (dicapai).
33. Bite off more than one can chew = take responsibility for more than one can manage.
34. Blow one’s top = become extremely angry.
35. Burn midnight oil = study/ work all night or until very late at night.
36. Burn your fingers = kapok/jera.
37. By the skin of one’s teeth = barely succeed in doing something.
38. Call it a day = stop work for the day.
39. Came in handy = bermanfaat.
40. Cash in on = menghasilkan uang dari peluang-peluang yang ada.
41. Caught flat footed = terperanjat.
42. Cheesed off = tidak bahagia.
43. Chew up on something = mempertimbangkan, memikirkan.
44. Close-fisted = pelit, kikir.
45. Clothes don’t make the man = penampilan dapat menipu.
46. Cold feet = takut.
47. Comb a man’s head = memukul.
48. Come crawling back = bereaksi dengan cara yang amat santun, cenderung menjilat, biasanya setelah melakukan hal yang menyakitkan hati orang lain.
49. Corridors of power = didalam lingkup kekuasaan.
50. Count potato = someone who spends too much time watching TV.

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