Collocations with Indonesian Meaning Part 2

51. Cross the stream where it is shallowest = seberangilah sungai di bagian yang dangkal.
52. Darby and Joan = pasangan pernikahan yang telah lama saling setia dan saling mencintai.
53. Dash cut = menghapus.
54. Dash someone’s hope = merusak, membahayakan.
55. Do over = do something again.
56. Dog in the manger = mementingkan diri sendiri.
57. Draw out = prolong something (usually for beyond the normal limits).
58. Drag on = last much longer than expected or is necessary.
59. Drop someone a line = write to someone.
60. Ease someone’s out = memecat, memberhentikan bekerja.
61. Eat your heart out = cemburu tapi masih sempat tersenyum; tidak bersikap serius dan masih sempat disampaikan sambil bersenda gurau.
62. Egg on = menyemangati, menghasut dengan tantangan ‘ejekan’,
63. Every man is the architect of his own fortune = hidup adalah apa yang kita perbuat.
64. False friends are worse than open enemies = teman yang salah lebih buruk daripada musuh yang nyata.
65. Feel cheap = merasa malu.
66. First love lied deep = cinta pertama tak kunjung padam.
67. Full of joys of spring = sangat bahagia/berbunga (hatinya).
68. Gardens are not made by sitting in the shade = tanpa usaha tidak akan mendapat apapun.
69. Gibe at = menertawakan.
70. Goose egg = angka nol.
71. Hack around = keluyuran.
72. Handsome is as handsome does = lebih penting budi bahasa yang baik daripada rupa yang elok.
73. Have one’s heart in the right place.
74. Horse town = kota kecil.
75. Icing on take cake = gaji tambahan, bonus.
76. It’s to have your hand full = sangat sibuk.
77. It matters not how long we live, but how = yang penting bukanlah berapa lama kita hidup, tetapi bagaimana kita hidup.
78. Jack in office = pegawai yang sombong.
79. Laze around = bersantai-santai.
80. Life is just a bowl of cherries = hidup yang sempurna.
81. Like a dog with two tails = sangat bahagia.
82. Make hay while the sun shiner = keringkanlah rumput dikala matahari bersinar.
83. Mates one’s flesh crawl = membuat jijik.
84. Moving on = memulai sesuatu yang baru.
85. Music to your ears = kabar gembira.
86. Nice as pie = baik dan ramah.
87. Not give a hand about something = tidak mendukung.
88. Not my cup of tea = tidak begitu suka.
89. Nuke = heat in a microwave.
90. On cloud nine = sangat senang karena ada hal yang besar telah terjadi ‘when the boss announced my promotion, I was on cloud nine’.
91. On the spot = situasi yang sulit.
92. Over the moon = sangat gembira.
93. Shame on you if you fool me once, shame on me if you fool me twice = seseoang harus belajar dari kesalahan.
94. Snake in the grass = musuh dalam selimut.
95. Stars in one’s eye = berbinar.
96. Stolen fruits are the sweetest = apa yang dilarang itulah yang menantang.
97. Sweet nothings = rayuan gombal.
98. Take a bow = menundukkan kepala.
99. Tender foot = orang baru.
100. The devil looks after his own = kesuksesan tiba pada orang yang berusaha keras.
101. The sweetest of all is praise = bunyi yang merdu diantara segala bunyi ialah pujian.
102. Tickled pink = merasa senang, gembira.
103. Tits on a boar = sesuatu yang sama sekali tidak ada gunanya.
104. To drink like a fish = suka minum alkohol.
105. To give someone a black look = menatap seseorang dengan rasa kesal.
106. To walk on egg shells = bertindak dengan sangat hati-hati.
107. To work like a dog = bekerja keras.
108. Train of thoughts = serangkaian ide.
109. Under the table = rahasia.
110. Under the weather = unwell.
111. Vis-à-vis = berhadapan muka.
112. Walk on air = merasa sangat gembira.
113. Wishy-washy = plin plan.
114. Within easy reach of = dekat.
115. Yearn after/for = rindu akan.

3 Responses to " Collocations with Indonesian Meaning Part 2 "

  1. I have occasion to memorize these whole collocations :D

  2. Such a great idea, thanks for the comment.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
